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We are looking forward to playing with you!

Bad Girls Golf Club is a women’s league that is played using an Eclectic format.  We have a Spring and Fall league that is played over 8-10 weeks.  Each player plays one round per week with a maximum of 8-9 rounds depending on the season.  The eclectic format works like this.  You play a round of golf each week with two or more league member at your own designated time.  After your round each week you record your score online.  Each week following every time you play you update your best score for each hole.  For example - if you score a 5 on hole one this week and next week you score a 4 you replace the 5 with the new lower score of 4.  At the end of the season your eclectic score is a summary of all of your best holes for the 8-week season.  All of the players end score will be used to be placed into a foursome for a league scramble tournament where each foursome will have the same average score.  The scramble is followed by an awards banquet with some fun socialization.  


Ask to join our private Facebook Page and you can ask other club members to play over or in between seasons.  Our goal is to have FUN, play golf & make new friends!



Spring League begins March 9th

Spring Scramble
May 15, 2025
4:00 pm. check-in

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